Saturday, June 16, 2012

Asking Someone His or Her Origin in Ilocano

On this how-to learn Ilocano lesson, you will learn how to ask someone where they are from and how to keep the conversation going.

So first thing you need is to learn greetings and salutations.

Naturally we start conversations with sayings His and Hellos so you can check out the Greeting/Saluation Ilocano phrases here.

Let's start with our main Ilocano lesson.

Taga ano ka? [tah-gah-ah-noo-cah]
Where are you from in Ilocano.
Naggapwam? [nag-gap-wam]
Where you went in Ilocano.

Long Responses:
Taga Manila ak. [tah-gah-mah-knee-lah-ak]
I am from Manila in Ilocano.
Naggapu ak idjay Manila. [nag-gah-poo-ak-eed-jai-mah-knee-lah]
I came from Manila.

Short Responses:
You can just say where you are from. Just say the city/country.

Making the conversation going:
Kasano idjay? [cah-sah-noo-eed-jai]
How's it there in Ilocano.
Ana ti kita na idjay? [ah-nah-tea-ki-tah-nah-eed-jai]
What does it look out there in Ilocano.

I hope you learned something in Ilocano.

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